Farmers Tips - Winter Broiler Production

17 June 2016

Winter Broiler Production

Hesitating to keep broilers is a thing of the past to those who have mastered correct broiler management. The following are necessary tips for a success production of healthy birds in winter.


  1. Ventilation – Chickens naturally create a lot of moisture in their breath and droppings hence there is need for adequate ventilation to avoid accumulation of Ammonia gas which affects eyes and the respiratory system of the birds. Use poly-hessian material to cover the sides of the house and allow plenty of fresh air to circulate. Remember to roll down the side covers when necessary to prevent a cold draft.
  2. Day old chicks are the most vulnerable to cold and therefore brooding temperatures are critical. Preheat the house 48 hours before chick arrival. Maintain brooder temperatures at 32 – 33 oC. Place thermometers at chick level to check heat distribution. Brooding is 21 days during winter
  3. Clean fresh water must be available always
  4. Have adequate feeding space
  5. Avoid temperature fluctuations above 20C
  6. Stocking density can be increased from 10 to 12 birds/m2
  7. Chick behaviour is a good sign whether the birds are feeling cold or not. Chicks chirping loudly and huddling in groups means the chicks are cold.

These tips are brought to you by Brenda Kandiero

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